Monday, November 30, 2020

Lloyd Worth Turbyfill "Sonny"

 Sonny Turbyfill was born January 31, 1930 to George Washington Turbyfill and Lena Bare. His full name was Lloyd Worth Turbyfill, but he went by Sonny. Sonny’s mother was musically gifted and when Sonny was ten, he participated in county-wide music festival along with many other cousins in Johnson City, Tennessee and he appeared in the newspaper on March 10, 1940. 

When Sonny was 17, he lied on his enlistment records, claiming to be 18. Thus his military records has a birthdate that is incorrect. He also has a distant cousin named Lloyd Scott Turbyfill, son of George Turbyfill, who actually was 18 that year, so their records are getting mixed up by other genealogists. 

The other Lloyd did go overseas, but this Lloyd didn’t. He went to Fort Hamilton and was out of there the following year. I haven’t found his discharge papers, so I don’t know the circumstances. I have his military number and when the pandemic is over and they re-open the offices, I’ll write in for his records. When I get them, I will update with what he was up to from 1948-1950 while stationed at Fort Hamiltion, in New York City. My research has found that this base is no longer there, so the records will be in storage elsewhere. 

He married Ramona Wilhelm in 1951 and their daughter was born the same year. Then they had 5 more children. They moved to North Carolina, then to Virginia, then to Indiana.  I found a record stating on May 26, 1961 he moved his family to 8215 127th Ave, Cedar Lake, Indiana and began work at the steel mill. In 1965, they moved to Cedar St, Cedar Lake, Indiana, where they lived when their youngest son was born. In 1968, they moved again to 13947 Fairbanks Cedar Lake, IN and from here, it seems as of the 70s, Sonny stayed in Indiana and Ramona took the younger 3 children to Arkansas. In 1973, Sonny’s house on Fairbank caught on fire and I lose records of where he resided.  There’s several records of arrests for drunk driving from 1972 to 1978, but none list his home address. Then nothing about where he was from that point on. I do remember him, so he’s been in Harrison at least some of the time. 

I find him again living with Gary in Enid, Oklahoma in 1984, until his death in 1986.  He was buried in Elk Park, NC.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Betty Ann Grimes

Betty on a class trip 

Betty on her way home from a 
basketball game. 

Betty wearing her letter jacket.

Articles about Betty as president of AR MTS

Betty with her two granddaughters

Betty at work 

Betty with her husband Paul 

Betty's portrait for the AST

Paul a month before his death 

Paul and Betty on Paul's 21st birthday. 
Betty is 29 in this photo. 

Betty and Paul's wedding. 

Betty, her groom Paul, and her parents 

Paul with their son. 

Betty loved taking them out on picnics

 Betty Ann Grimes was born on February 13, 1936, the sixth child of Mike Minor Grimes and Daisy Arazona Ellingwood. The family lived in Bald Knob, Arkansas until their farm was wiped out by a flood in 1942 and they moved to Bergman, Arkansas. There, Betty attended Oregon Flat School which became Bergman schools. She graduated with honors from Bergman HIgh in 1952. While in high school, Betty played varsity basketball. 

From 1952-1954 Betty attended the College of Ozarks in Point Outlook for her general studies, then transferred to St Louis for medical technology sciences. For her graduation project,  she came up with serum protein electrophoresis. More information can be found in the American Medical Technology Magazine of the American Society of Medical Technologists. I am not allowed to link directly to the articles as it’s copyrighted and it’s behind a paywall. If you do access those articles, I would love a copy for my files. After she graduated, she went back to Harrison with Roy Hornbeck so they could get married, December 7, 1957.  They then moved to Poplar Bluff, Missouri for a year then they joined the rest of the family in Wichita, Kansas. 

Betty worked at the hospital even while pregnant with her only child and her son was born April 1960, and she worked hard while her parents helped care for her baby son and at the time Betty lived at 221 West Gilbert St, Wichita, Kansas. Two months after her son was born, Betty packed up and moved with her family back to Harrison, Arkansas, and from that point on, Betty was a single mother. 

On August 5, 1963 Betty filed for a divorce on the grounds of spousal abandonment. She got it finalized the following month. Betty was working at a doctor’s office at this time, as an in-house lab technologist. She loved her work and enjoyed being the only one in the lab. As part of her job, she had to attend various workshops and at one such workshop, she ran into a classmate from graduate school, Paul Conner.  

After a whirlwind romance, Betty married Paul on April 16, 1965 in her sister Vivian’s home with her nieces as the bridesmaids. Betty was 29 years old and Paul had just turned 21 on the day of their wedding, so their wedding anniversary is also Paul’s birthday. On this day, her 5 year old son took on Paul’s last name and dropped the other last name. It was a very happy day for everybody involved, but tragedy struck a short three years later. Paul died on September 10, 1968 from an aneurysm. Paul had just turned 24.  Betty may have been married to Paul for only three years, but Paul lived on as the love of her life. 

Betty married Paul William Houston in 1974 and I can’t find a record of when exactly they divorced, but I do remember him, so it was after 1984 but before 1988. After she divorced Paul Houston, she went back to the first Paul’s last name, so she was Betty G. Conner until her death. 

Betty had many hobbies. Sewing. Square dancing. Gardening. Composting. She even got published for her gardening hints in the newspaper a few times. Betty was the President of the Arkansas State Society of American Medical Technologists from 1982 to her retirement in 1996. She earned many awards that filled the entire office walls. She was well respected in her field and when Dr. Garland retired, she transferred to the hospital and she enjoyed her co-workers in the hospital. 

When she retired, she had taped all the episodes of Star Trek and Stargate. Betty had these drawers of VHS tapes stacked up on top of her television and she enjoyed spending her retirement having the chance to catch up on all the episodes of her favorite sci-fi shows. Her favorite character in Star Trek was Bones. Also, when she retired, she threw herself into loving on her granddaughters and her grandnieces, raising them. 

Betty got lung cancer in 1998 and lost her battle in 2000. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Benjamin Matthew Grimes

Benjamin Matthew Grimes was born in Hardin County, Tennessee on September 19, 1857

to Andrew Jackson Grimes (a Navy veteran in the civil war) and Mary Ann Thomas. When

his father died in 1877, the Grimes family all left Hardin County and I am trying to trace where

the others went. Benjamin was the 5th child.  

The birth order of his siblings are: James W Grimes, 1849; John Anderson Grimes, 1851;

Willis J Grimes, 1853; Mary H, 1855; Benjamin Matthew Grimes, 1857; Samuel Grimes, 1860;

Alexander Grimes, 1862; Rebecca M Grimes, 1864, George B Grimes, 1866, Robert Alexander, 1870. 

A noteworthy event in their lives- their land was the site of the Battle of the Shiloh.

 Imagine this. In 1862, Benjamin was just a toddler, witnessing and hearing all this blood and

violence. Picture their mother, Mary Ann collecting all her children, including baby Alexander and hunkering down in a back bedroom. Maybe she even placed a bed over the children to protect them? During this battle, her husband was in the Navy, which confused me until I realized they used rivers too.

Growing up, they likely played around the Shiloh indian burial mounds. In the 1850s, they weren’t cordoned off, so children were free to explore and wander around there. Andrew passed down arrowheads to his sons, including Mike. Maybe they came from this site? People did not think to keep children away until 1899 when an archaeologist realized the historical significance of the Shiloh indian burial mounds. There’s information here.

Hardin County has the Tennessee River through with many creeks joining the river. The Grimes family grew up having many creeks and rivers to choose from all around their land for where to go fishing, hunting, and gathering in. They lived off the land mostly, with a little bit of farming. The soil was not excellent for huge farms, but the land was excellent for wildlife. Many families of Hardin County decided to leave their land mostly untouched to encourage the wildlife to come right up to their homes for easy harvesting, there being stories of curious deer and turkeys coming right up to their front doors. Their home was across the Tennessee River from the county seat, Savannah.  The children were given their own guns and encouraged to hunt squirrels, crows, hawks, opossums, and other pests deemed a nuisance. The children were paid for every pelt they brought in by salt which was brought up the river on steamboats. (source- Brazelton’s History of Hardin County Grimes) The family had land on the west side of the river, which was much more dense and poor soil, thus cheaper than the better land on the east side of the river.  If you ever want to travel there, their land was between the Chambers plantation and the Indian burial mounds. I am hoping when I go and tell them that, they will know exactly where it is. 

Actual image of the Shiloh Battle near their home 

What  the road leading to the Grimes homestead looked like 

In the 1860 census, the Grimes family, Civil District 1, area A, in Hardin County. This seems to be inside the Shiloh Memorial Battlefield today. When you look carefully at the census, their neighbors are- AJ Thomas and family, possibly Mary/Polly’s brother, Morris McBride and family, then Wm. George and family. Reviewing the Shiloh memorial battlefield, you see they have maintained a cabin called “William Manse George’s cabin, the site where the wounded fled to and had as a stronghold.” This is very likely the same man as “Wm. George” on the same page of the census as the Grimes family, meaning they were very closeby. On the next page of the same census, you find their grandparents, J and Rebecca Grimes, but the interesting thing is Sam Chambers no longer has slaves this year. That makes sense as they are now free. 

When you compare the 1870 to the 1860 census, yes, there are more children born, but you’ll notice the families around them are fewer. The pages of this specific district is only 16 pages long and none are black this time around. The freed slaves did not stay in this area. The Grimes family did not own any slaves, but they were exposed to slavery due to neighbors being owners themselves. The same neighbors that once owned slaves are coincidentally the same neighbors no longer living in Hardin County. I found this interesting. At this time, their post office was across the river in Savannah, TN whereas ten years earlier, the post office was in Shiloh, TN. I wonder if the battle of Shiloh destroyed the town of Shiloh as well, thus, no more post office in Shiloh, hmm? I wonder. 

John Anderson Grimes moved to Arkansas after 1870 and before 1873. I know this because he appears on the census, but then shows up married in Arkansas in 1873. I haven’t found information on why he chose Arkansas, but John’s move to Arkansas is why the other Grimes children chose Arkansas. The other children stayed in Shiloh, Hardin County, Tennessee until their father’s death in 1877. Then several more of the Grimes moved to Arkansas as well. I am still pinning down which Grimes children went and which stayed behind with their mother in Shiloh, and I found the youngest son moved across the river to the county seat, Savannah, Tennessee. Perhaps lending evidence to the fact the infrastructure on the west side was destroyed by the war? John sent one of his sons, Luther Virginia Grimes, to live with Benjamin shortly after he remarried. Maybe Luther did not get along with his stepmother? It’s just interesting about the timing of that. 

Their father Andy (Andrew Jackson Grimes) died in September 1877. There were problems with the pension for some reason and their mother couldn’t get the pension. So Inshaw Thomas seized the land their father owned in October, 1877. The Grimes family now was essentially homeless. Inshaw R. Thomas filed papers to evict them off the land and at first they went to James Grimes (the oldest) who lived in the actual town of Savannah, TN. Their mother stayed there and about half of the Grimes children went on to Arkansas near where John Anderson Grimes settled down with his new family. I am still working on pinning down which ones stayed put in Hardin County and which ones emigrated to Arkansas. My great great greatgrandfather, Benjamin Matthew Grimes, was one who went to Arkansas, so we’ll follow along with this group. 

In 1879, Benjamin Matthew Grimes went to help his brother John Anderson Grimes on his farm, just across the Mississippi River opposite Memphis, in what is now called Marion, Arkansas. He appears on the census in 1880 in JA Grimes household, as brother, as BM Grimes. A levee broke in fall of 1880 and flooded the farmland bordering the Mississippi, but the river did not come all the way up to Marion. JA Grimes filed for losses and moved further inland, so based on this, I assume his farm was in this area. 

We then find Benjamin Matthew Grimes applying for a marriage license on December 16, 1882 in Lawrence County, which has a county seat called Walnut Ridge. It is likely in this town that he got his license to officially marry Mary Josephine Webster on Christmas eve. He was 23 and she was 18. 

Their first child, a boy, arrives 19 months later. Solomon Kendrick Grimes (named after his uncle Solomon Kendrick Grimes, so there are indeed two SK Grimes) was born  March 30th, 1882 near Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. In 1886, they had another son, who unfortunately did not survive. 

Two years later, their daughter, Arley Grimes arrived on December12, 1888 and at the time they still lived outside of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. 11 months later came another girl, Ruby. Then the following year came Marla Grimes in November, 1890. Two years later came Cora Bell Grimes in December, 1892.  Another daughter was born in April, 1894- Pearlie Mae Grimes. 

The Grimes family moved to Hiram, Cleburne County, Arkansas along the Little Red River with excellent trout fishing. Two years later came a son, Isom Thomas Grimes, December 27, 1896. Then came Mike Minor Grimes February 18, 1899. 

On the 1900 Census, they’re shown living in Pine Township, Cleburne County, Arkansas, but I believe this is still the same “Hiram” area along the Little Red River mentioned above. The youngest child, Muncy Grimes is born. Ruby died in 1909.  Since Muncy appears on the census and in the family portrait, he was alive at least after 1910, but I have no more information on Muncy, he is another mystery brickwall. 

On the 1910 Census, they are now living in White County, Arkansas, and two daughters are no longer listed- Ruby and Marla. I have not found any death information on them, only Ruby is listed in the cemetery abstract records. But Marla isn’t in there. As of 1910, Marla would have been 16… possibly married off already.  Marla is yet another mystery. Another change is their nephew Luther Virginia Grimes is now living with them, being raised alongside them. Luther’s father married a new wife; Millie Dellie Holley in 1902, when Luther was 10. Perhaps Millie did not get along with Luther and John sent him to live with Benjamin and Jo Grimes. Luther, from age 10 on was raised alongside the other Grimes children, as a son to Benjamin and Jo Grimes. 

Mammaw Jo and Grandpa Benjamin 


This is when they had a family portrait taken. 

Ten years later, Benjamin Matthew Grimes appears in his final census in 1920 in Pleasant Plains, Independence County, Arkansas with his son Isom and Isom’s wife Oma and their son Conley Grimes. Benjamin died the following year in the same town on September 23, 1921. I have not found his death certificate. He is buried in the Union Grove Cemetery, Pleasant Plains, Independence County, Arkansas, found on the same cemetery rolls as his daughter Ruby. His grave is marked, though.

Below, I will list his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

Benjamin Matthew Grimes and Mary Josephine Grimes “Pappaw and Mammaw Jo”

  1. Solomon Kendrick Grimes, 1884-1960 married Luttie Viola Caruthers 

    1. Ernest Eugene Grimes 1909-1988 married Mildred Frances Bruce

      1. Frances Grimes, married George Michael Spears 

        1. Leah Spears (Powers)

        2. Michael Spears jr

        3. Terri Spears (Bagley)

    2. Owen/Oran Matthew Grimes 1912-1996 married Ruthie Mae Eyestone and moved to California, so growing up we lost touch with these bunch. 

      1. Alvie Grimes 1931, marries Beverly Ebert 1952- no other information 

      2. Vanita Ladell Grimes 1933-2020 marries Jack Applegarth

        1. Jeanette Marie Applegarth,  1950-2013

          1. Eliona Lopez

          2. Krisi Lopez

          3. Staci Lopez Greeson

          4. Jesus Carranza 1973-1994 

          5. Daniel Carranza 

      3. Donna Louise Grimes 1935-2007 

        1. Michael S. Mercurio

        2. Lynn Allyson Mercurio (Denny) 

      4. Leta Fay Grimes 1937- married Mitchell Paich 1915-2006

        1. Dennis Paich 1941-2015

        2. Jack Paich

        3. Dennis Ridofli

        4. Noreen Bridget Paich

        5. Patricia Paich Terezis

        6. Diane Paich Norman

      5. Norma Dean Grimes 1939-2009 married Ronald Shure

        1. Ronald Shure jr

        2. Vernon Shure 

      6. Robert Alvin Grimes 1946-2013  (unknown if had children)

    3. Barney Grimes 1918- (Mystery Brickwall. Only appears on the 1920 census as a 2 year old son, the 1930 census as a 12 year old, but not on the 1940 and no death records found.) 

    4. Conley Grimes 1919-  (Isom Grimes also had a son Conley, which gets mixed up with this one.) 

    5. Helen Grimes 1921-2018 Married Clyde Branch

      1. Ernie Branch 1947-2015

        1. Mendy Branch

        2. Scott Branch 

      2. Rod Branch 1950 (twin)

      3. Ron Branch 1950 (twin)

This wraps up the grandchildren of Solomon K Grimes 

  1. Baby Grimes 1886-1888 born and died in Walnut Ridge, AR 

This wraps up Baby Boy Grimes. 

  1. Arley Grimes 1888-1987 married Riley Kemp Chandler 

    1. Luther Riley Chandler 1914-1956 shot after divorce 

    2. Jewell Chandler 1919-2014 married Warren Tole 

      1. Raymond G Tole 

      2. Freda Tole (Gwaltney)

      3. Loverta Tole married Don Stephens

        1. Cheryl Stephens 

This wraps up the grandchildren of Arley Grimes 

  1. Ruby Grimes 1890-1908 

Ruby died at 17 years old, so this wraps up Ruby’s line. 

  1. Marla Grimes 1891 - possibly before 1910  

Marla is a mystery. No records of her death, no records of her having married. She just vanished. 

  1. Cora Bell Grimes 1892-1922 Married Kirby Bickers

    1. Pauline Bickers 1914-1991 married Waldo Emerson 1908-2000

    2. Christine Bickers 1916-1917 

This wraps up the children of Cora Bell Grimes 

  1. Pearlie Mae Grimes 1894-1991 married Elmer Eugene Altom 

    1. Julia Aileen Altom 1914-1989 married German Clark Harbour 

      1. Morris Elliot Harbour 1938-2017

        1. Amy Harbour

        2. Ann Harbour

        3. Lee Harbour

      2. German Eugene Harbour 1942-2019

        1. Michelle Harbour

        2. Nicole Liann Harbour

      3. Nancy Elmore 1949-2006 

        1. Robert Ritchie

        2. Travis Lindsay

        3. Sara Lindsay

    2. Gladys Mae Altom 1916-1937 

      1. No children died young 

    3. Alvin Eugene Altom 1918-1995 married Narvelle Nancy Newberry 

      1. David Eugene Altom 1940-2012 married Reba Jane Hancock

        1. Pam Altom married Oliver Sullivan

        2. Russell Altom

          1. Zachary Russell Altom

          2. Lezleigh Altom Matthews

        3. Lorita Altom 

          1. Angela Tobias 

        4. Mary Ann Altom 1951-2010

          1. Lance Davis Collins

          2. Cathy Collins Blair

    4. Conway Altom 1920-2012

      1. Donald Altom 1948- 

        1. Jason D. Altom 1971-1998 

        2. Katherine Altom

    5. Hersey Loyal Altom 1922-2012  married Barbara Doran

      1. Michelle Altom Hart 

        1. Myndin Hart

      2. Janet Altom 

      3. Terry Altom 

      4. Todd Altom 

      5. Larry Altom

      6. Loyal Altom  

    6. Lois Arley Altom 1924-2019 married Dale Rudesill

      1. Joy Rudesill Nelson

      2. Paulette Rudesill Simmons

        1. Elizabeth Simmons Johnson

        2. Roy Simmons Jr.

    7. Alma Jean Altom 1930-2012 married Calvin Baker

      1. Sandra Jean Baker 1956-1966

      2. Kenneth Baker 

This wraps up Pearlie Mae Grimes’s grandchildren 

  1. Isom Thomas Grimes 1896-1935 

    1. Conley “Short” Grimes 1919- ? (still alive?)

      1. James Conley Grimes 

        1. Sara Grimes

    2. Hazel Maxine Grimes  1920-1977 married William Jesse Spencer

      1. Betty Spencer 1947-2015

        1. Freddie Joe Polk

        2. Connie Polk

        3. Joyce Polk

        4. Glenn Cullen

      2. Baby girl Spencer stillborn 1948

    3. Ozella Mae Grimes 1922-1993 married Raymond Winkle 

      1. Susan Ann Winkle 1957-2016

      2. Teresa Winkle (Davis)

      3. Roger Wrinkle

      4. Harold Eugene Wrinkle 1970-

      5. Charles Freeman Wrinkle

      6. Loyal Wrinkle 

      7. Joe Ray Wrinkle

      8. Lonnie Wrinkle

    4. Jalaw Grimes 1924-1968

    5. Marthie Grimes 1926-1966

    6. Cozette Grimes 1929- 2018

      1. Jimmy McLeod 1944-2020

      2. Billy McLeod

      3. Ernest Cooper

      4. Paulette Foster (twin)

      5. Cozette Foster (twin)

    7. Jardlene Grimes 1930-

This wraps up Isom Grimes’s grandchildren 

  1. Mike Minor Grimes 1899=-1973 married Daisy Arazona Ellingwood 

    1. Andrew Eugene Grimes 1919-1962 married Vera McDougal

      1. Bill Eugene Grimes 1941-2006

        1. Louise Grimes (Bialik)

        2. Bill Grimes Jr

        3. Michael Grimes

        4. Cozette Grimes (Snyder)

    2. Trellis Lois Grimes 1920-1942 married Clayton Moss 

      1. Betty Mae Moss 1938-2010 Married August Strobel 

        1. Bobby Dan Strobel 

        2. Stephen Craig Strobel 

      2. Emma Jean Moss 1939-1996

      3. Marie Moss 1942-1942

    3. Almeda Loyce Grimes 1922-1997 Married Pete Chory

      1. Joe Chory 1948-2016

      2. Shirley Chory 

    4. Baby Grimes 1924-1924

    5. Baby Grimes 1926-1926

    6. Baby Grimes 1927-1927

    7. Lowell Ray Grimes 1929-2007 married Gertrude

      1. Sandra Kay Grimes (Darnell)

      2. Bobbi Grimes 

      3. Susan Grimes (vanderbush)

      4. Joan Grimes 

    8. Vivian Agnes Grimes 1931-2009

      1. Terrie Ann Drewry 1953-2009 

        1. Matthew James Arellanes 1976-1990

        2. Kimberly Beth Jackson 1983-2015

      2. Georgie Drewry (Patton)

      3. Kippy Drewry 

      4. Donnie Drewry 

      5. Calvin Drewry

      6. Julie Ann Randall 1969-2013 

    9. Betty Ann Grimes 1936-2000

      1. Michael Jay Conner 

This wraps up all the grandchildren of Mike Minor Grimes 

  1. Muncie Grimes about 1902- after 1910 

Mystery brickwall. I can’t find any further information on the youngest child of Benjamin and Jo Grimes.